1986 年 4 月 26 日發生的車諾比事件,可說是核能史上最悲慘的反應爐故障意外。
這場意外造成 56 人當場死亡,並且釋放大量的輻射物質到大氣中。結果不僅污染到附近的烏克蘭城市和周遭地區,範圍甚至還擴散到西歐,並散佈到全球。另外,更造成數十萬人必須從污染區撤離,目前為止,已有約 4,000 人死於輻射毒害的長期效應。
在發生事故並成為鬼城之前,這裡原本有 18,000 位居民。在 1986 年 5 月的前四天,有 161,000 人從四號反應爐的方圓 30 公里內撤離。接下來幾年,陸續有 210,000 人受到重新安置。而隔離區面積則擴展到 4,300 平方公里。由於這些人的經濟處境相當困窘,所以即使隔離區仍擁有異常高的輻射量,周遭地區還是有將近 1,000 人選擇回到隔離區生活。
在現場清理完畢之後沒多久,另外三具尚未損壞的反應爐即開始恢復運作。1991 年,二號反應爐由於渦輪車間失火而停止運作。1997 年底,一號反應爐關閉;2000 年 12 月 15 日,三號反應爐也停止運作了。直至此時,車諾比核電廠才正式永久停止運作。
1995 年,烏克蘭向 G7 會員國索取 9 億美元,以彌補永久關閉車諾比核電廠的損失。1997 年,烏克蘭與歐洲復興開發銀行 (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) 協議以車諾比庇護基金 (Chernobyl Shelter Fund) 和相對應的「庇護執行計劃」(Shelter Implementation Plan) 來施以金援,藉此建立永久的封鎖圍牆 (即所謂的「石棺」)。唯有如此,才能關閉一至三號的反應爐。
自 1986 年後,損毀的四號反應爐就已經遭到臨時的石棺封鎖,這具石棺利用一層厚厚的鋼筋水泥來隔絕毀壞的反應爐。由於反應爐內部自發生核心熔毀以來,始終沒有太大的改變,所以石棺的設計是要阻絕反應爐所散發的熱和輻射。在反應爐重達 190 頓的核心物質中,估計目前仍殘存的有 180 噸,這些殘餘物質有的化為灰燼,有的化為熔解及硬化的燃料元件,被沖蝕的液體則留在反應爐坑及基座內壁。由於現有的石棺防腐蝕、鏽蝕和地震等能力不足,當局已經計劃於其上再建立一具更堅固耐用的石棺。不過現有石棺的頂部必須先補強,通風系統也必須改善,才能開始建立新的石棺。
資料來源: Discovery
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Nobody has to be vile
本文轉貼自: http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n07/zize01_.html
Nobody has to be vile
Slavoj Zizek
Since 2001, Davos and Porto Alegre have been the twin cities of globalisation: Davos, the exclusive Swiss resort where the global elite of managers, statesmen and media personalities meets for the World Economic Forum under heavy police protection, trying to convince us (and themselves) that globalisation is its own best remedy; Porto Alegre, the subtropical Brazilian city where the counter-elite of the anti-globalisation movement meets, trying to convince us (and themselves) that capitalist globalisation is not our inevitable fate – that, as the official slogan puts it, ‘another world is possible.’ It seems, however, that the Porto Alegre reunions have somehow lost their impetus – we have heard less and less about them over the past couple of years. Where did the bright stars of Porto Alegre go?
Some of them, at least, moved to Davos. The tone of the Davos meetings is now predominantly set by the group of entrepreneurs who ironically refer to themselves as ‘liberal communists’ and who no longer accept the opposition between Davos and Porto Alegre: their claim is that we can have the global capitalist cake (thrive as entrepreneurs) and eat it (endorse the anti-capitalist causes of social responsibility, ecological concern etc). There is no need for Porto Alegre: instead, Davos can become Porto Davos.
So who are these liberal communists? The usual suspects: Bill Gates and George Soros, the CEOs of Google, IBM, Intel, eBay, as well as court-philosophers like Thomas Friedman. The true conservatives today, they argue, are not only the old right, with its ridiculous belief in authority, order and parochial patriotism, but also the old left, with its war against capitalism: both fight their shadow-theatre battles in disregard of the new realities. The signifier of this new reality in the liberal communist Newspeak is ‘smart’. Being smart means being dynamic and nomadic, and against centralised bureaucracy; believing in dialogue and co-operation as against central authority; in flexibility as against routine; culture and knowledge as against industrial production; in spontaneous interaction and autopoiesis as against fixed hierarchy.
Bill Gates is the icon of what he has called ‘frictionless capitalism’, the post-industrial society and the ‘end of labour’. Software is winning over hardware and the young nerd over the old manager in his black suit. In the new company headquarters, there is little external discipline; former hackers dominate the scene, working long hours, enjoying free drinks in green surroundings. The underlying notion here is that Gates is a subversive marginal hooligan, an ex-hacker, who has taken over and dressed himself up as a respectable chairman.
Liberal communists are top executives reviving the spirit of contest or, to put it the other way round, countercultural geeks who have taken over big corporations. Their dogma is a new, postmodernised version of Adam Smith’s invisible hand: the market and social responsibility are not opposites, but can be reunited for mutual benefit. As Friedman puts it, nobody has to be vile in order to do business these days; collaboration with employees, dialogue with customers, respect for the environment, transparency of deals – these are the keys to success. Olivier Malnuit recently drew up the liberal communist’s ten commandments in the French magazine Technikart:
1. You shall give everything away free (free access, no copyright); just charge for the additional services, which will make you rich.
2. You shall change the world, not just sell things.
3. You shall be sharing, aware of social responsibility.
4. You shall be creative: focus on design, new technologies and science.
5. You shall tell all: have no secrets, endorse and practise the cult of transparency and the free flow of information; all humanity should collaborate and interact.
6. You shall not work: have no fixed 9 to 5 job, but engage in smart, dynamic, flexible communication.
7. You shall return to school: engage in permanent education.
8. You shall act as an enzyme: work not only for the market, but trigger new forms of social collaboration.
9. You shall die poor: return your wealth to those who need it, since you have more than you can ever spend.
10. You shall be the state: companies should be in partnership with the state.
Liberal communists are pragmatic; they hate a doctrinaire approach. There is no exploited working class today, only concrete problems to be solved: starvation in Africa, the plight of Muslim women, religious fundamentalist violence. When there is a humanitarian crisis in Africa (liberal communists love a humanitarian crisis; it brings out the best in them), instead of engaging in anti-imperialist rhetoric, we should get together and work out the best way of solving the problem, engage people, governments and business in a common enterprise, start moving things instead of relying on centralised state help, approach the crisis in a creative and unconventional way.
Liberal communists like to point out that the decision of some large international corporations to ignore apartheid rules within their companies was as important as the direct political struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Abolishing segregation within the company, paying blacks and whites the same salary for the same job etc: this was a perfect instance of the overlap between the struggle for political freedom and business interests, since the same companies can now thrive in post-apartheid South Africa.
Liberal communists love May 1968. What an explosion of youthful energy and creativity! How it shattered the bureaucratic order! What an impetus it gave to economic and social life after the political illusions dropped away! Those who were old enough were themselves protesting and fighting on the streets: now they have changed in order to change the world, to revolutionise our lives for real. Didn’t Marx say that all political upheavals were unimportant compared to the invention of the steam engine? And would Marx not have said today: what are all the protests against global capitalism in comparison with the internet?
Above all, liberal communists are true citizens of the world – good people who worry. They worry about populist fundamentalism and irresponsible greedy capitalist corporations. They see the ‘deeper causes’ of today’s problems: mass poverty and hopelessness breed fundamentalist terror. Their goal is not to earn money, but to change the world (and, as a by-product, make even more money). Bill Gates is already the single greatest benefactor in the history of humanity, displaying his love for his neighbours by giving hundreds of millions of dollars for education, the fight against hunger and malaria etc. The catch is that before you can give all this away you have to take it (or, as the liberal communists would put it, create it). In order to help people, the justification goes, you must have the means to do so, and experience – that is, recognition of the dismal failure of all centralised statist and collectivist approaches – teaches us that private enterprise is by far the most effective way. By regulating their business, taxing them excessively, the state is undermining the official goal of its own activity (to make life better for the majority, to help those in need).
Liberal communists do not want to be mere profit-machines: they want their lives to have deeper meaning. They are against old-fashioned religion and for spirituality, for non-confessional meditation (everybody knows that Buddhism foreshadows brain science, that the power of meditation can be measured scientifically). Their motto is social responsibility and gratitude: they are the first to admit that society has been incredibly good to them, allowing them to deploy their talents and amass wealth, so they feel that it is their duty to give something back to society and help people. This beneficence is what makes business success worthwhile.
This isn’t an entirely new phenomenon. Remember Andrew Carnegie, who employed a private army to suppress organised labour in his steelworks and then distributed large parts of his wealth for educational, cultural and humanitarian causes, proving that, although a man of steel, he had a heart of gold? In the same way, today’s liberal communists give away with one hand what they grabbed with the other.
There is a chocolate-flavoured laxative available on the shelves of US stores which is publicised with the paradoxical injunction: Do you have constipation? Eat more of this chocolate! – i.e. eat more of something that itself causes constipation. The structure of the chocolate laxative can be discerned throughout today’s ideological landscape; it is what makes a figure like Soros so objectionable. He stands for ruthless financial exploitation combined with its counter-agent, humanitarian worry about the catastrophic social consequences of the unbridled market economy. Soros’s daily routine is a lie embodied: half of his working time is devoted to financial speculation, the other half to ‘humanitarian’ activities (financing cultural and democratic activities in post-Communist countries, writing essays and books) which work against the effects of his own speculations. The two faces of Bill Gates are exactly like the two faces of Soros: on the one hand, a cruel businessman, destroying or buying out competitors, aiming at a virtual monopoly; on the other, the great philanthropist who makes a point of saying: ‘What does it serve to have computers if people do not have enough to eat?’
According to liberal communist ethics, the ruthless pursuit of profit is counteracted by charity: charity is part of the game, a humanitarian mask hiding the underlying economic exploitation. Developed countries are constantly ‘helping’ undeveloped ones (with aid, credits etc), and so avoiding the key issue: their complicity in and responsibility for the miserable situation of the Third World. As for the opposition between ‘smart’ and ‘non-smart’, outsourcing is the key notion. You export the (necessary) dark side of production – disciplined, hierarchical labour, ecological pollution – to ‘non-smart’ Third World locations (or invisible ones in the First World). The ultimate liberal communist dream is to export the entire working class to invisible Third World sweat shops.
We should have no illusions: liberal communists are the enemy of every true progressive struggle today. All other enemies – religious fundamentalists, terrorists, corrupt and inefficient state bureaucracies – depend on contingent local circumstances. Precisely because they want to resolve all these secondary malfunctions of the global system, liberal communists are the direct embodiment of what is wrong with the system. It may be necessary to enter into tactical alliances with liberal communists in order to fight racism, sexism and religious obscurantism, but it’s important to remember exactly what they are up to.
Etienne Balibar, in La Crainte des masses (1997), distinguishes the two opposite but complementary modes of excessive violence in today’s capitalism: the objective (structural) violence that is inherent in the social conditions of global capitalism (the automatic creation of excluded and dispensable individuals, from the homeless to the unemployed), and the subjective violence of newly emerging ethnic and/or religious (in short: racist) fundamentalisms. They may fight subjective violence, but liberal communists are the agents of the structural violence that creates the conditions for explosions of subjective violence. The same Soros who gives millions to fund education has ruined the lives of thousands thanks to his financial speculations and in doing so created the conditions for the rise of the intolerance he denounces.
Slavoj Zizek, a philosopher and a (Lacanian) psychoanalyst, is international director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at Birkbeck. The Parallax View, his latest attempt to rehabilitate dialectical materialism, comes out in April 2006.
Nobody has to be vile
Slavoj Zizek
Since 2001, Davos and Porto Alegre have been the twin cities of globalisation: Davos, the exclusive Swiss resort where the global elite of managers, statesmen and media personalities meets for the World Economic Forum under heavy police protection, trying to convince us (and themselves) that globalisation is its own best remedy; Porto Alegre, the subtropical Brazilian city where the counter-elite of the anti-globalisation movement meets, trying to convince us (and themselves) that capitalist globalisation is not our inevitable fate – that, as the official slogan puts it, ‘another world is possible.’ It seems, however, that the Porto Alegre reunions have somehow lost their impetus – we have heard less and less about them over the past couple of years. Where did the bright stars of Porto Alegre go?
Some of them, at least, moved to Davos. The tone of the Davos meetings is now predominantly set by the group of entrepreneurs who ironically refer to themselves as ‘liberal communists’ and who no longer accept the opposition between Davos and Porto Alegre: their claim is that we can have the global capitalist cake (thrive as entrepreneurs) and eat it (endorse the anti-capitalist causes of social responsibility, ecological concern etc). There is no need for Porto Alegre: instead, Davos can become Porto Davos.
So who are these liberal communists? The usual suspects: Bill Gates and George Soros, the CEOs of Google, IBM, Intel, eBay, as well as court-philosophers like Thomas Friedman. The true conservatives today, they argue, are not only the old right, with its ridiculous belief in authority, order and parochial patriotism, but also the old left, with its war against capitalism: both fight their shadow-theatre battles in disregard of the new realities. The signifier of this new reality in the liberal communist Newspeak is ‘smart’. Being smart means being dynamic and nomadic, and against centralised bureaucracy; believing in dialogue and co-operation as against central authority; in flexibility as against routine; culture and knowledge as against industrial production; in spontaneous interaction and autopoiesis as against fixed hierarchy.
Bill Gates is the icon of what he has called ‘frictionless capitalism’, the post-industrial society and the ‘end of labour’. Software is winning over hardware and the young nerd over the old manager in his black suit. In the new company headquarters, there is little external discipline; former hackers dominate the scene, working long hours, enjoying free drinks in green surroundings. The underlying notion here is that Gates is a subversive marginal hooligan, an ex-hacker, who has taken over and dressed himself up as a respectable chairman.
Liberal communists are top executives reviving the spirit of contest or, to put it the other way round, countercultural geeks who have taken over big corporations. Their dogma is a new, postmodernised version of Adam Smith’s invisible hand: the market and social responsibility are not opposites, but can be reunited for mutual benefit. As Friedman puts it, nobody has to be vile in order to do business these days; collaboration with employees, dialogue with customers, respect for the environment, transparency of deals – these are the keys to success. Olivier Malnuit recently drew up the liberal communist’s ten commandments in the French magazine Technikart:
1. You shall give everything away free (free access, no copyright); just charge for the additional services, which will make you rich.
2. You shall change the world, not just sell things.
3. You shall be sharing, aware of social responsibility.
4. You shall be creative: focus on design, new technologies and science.
5. You shall tell all: have no secrets, endorse and practise the cult of transparency and the free flow of information; all humanity should collaborate and interact.
6. You shall not work: have no fixed 9 to 5 job, but engage in smart, dynamic, flexible communication.
7. You shall return to school: engage in permanent education.
8. You shall act as an enzyme: work not only for the market, but trigger new forms of social collaboration.
9. You shall die poor: return your wealth to those who need it, since you have more than you can ever spend.
10. You shall be the state: companies should be in partnership with the state.
Liberal communists are pragmatic; they hate a doctrinaire approach. There is no exploited working class today, only concrete problems to be solved: starvation in Africa, the plight of Muslim women, religious fundamentalist violence. When there is a humanitarian crisis in Africa (liberal communists love a humanitarian crisis; it brings out the best in them), instead of engaging in anti-imperialist rhetoric, we should get together and work out the best way of solving the problem, engage people, governments and business in a common enterprise, start moving things instead of relying on centralised state help, approach the crisis in a creative and unconventional way.
Liberal communists like to point out that the decision of some large international corporations to ignore apartheid rules within their companies was as important as the direct political struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Abolishing segregation within the company, paying blacks and whites the same salary for the same job etc: this was a perfect instance of the overlap between the struggle for political freedom and business interests, since the same companies can now thrive in post-apartheid South Africa.
Liberal communists love May 1968. What an explosion of youthful energy and creativity! How it shattered the bureaucratic order! What an impetus it gave to economic and social life after the political illusions dropped away! Those who were old enough were themselves protesting and fighting on the streets: now they have changed in order to change the world, to revolutionise our lives for real. Didn’t Marx say that all political upheavals were unimportant compared to the invention of the steam engine? And would Marx not have said today: what are all the protests against global capitalism in comparison with the internet?
Above all, liberal communists are true citizens of the world – good people who worry. They worry about populist fundamentalism and irresponsible greedy capitalist corporations. They see the ‘deeper causes’ of today’s problems: mass poverty and hopelessness breed fundamentalist terror. Their goal is not to earn money, but to change the world (and, as a by-product, make even more money). Bill Gates is already the single greatest benefactor in the history of humanity, displaying his love for his neighbours by giving hundreds of millions of dollars for education, the fight against hunger and malaria etc. The catch is that before you can give all this away you have to take it (or, as the liberal communists would put it, create it). In order to help people, the justification goes, you must have the means to do so, and experience – that is, recognition of the dismal failure of all centralised statist and collectivist approaches – teaches us that private enterprise is by far the most effective way. By regulating their business, taxing them excessively, the state is undermining the official goal of its own activity (to make life better for the majority, to help those in need).
Liberal communists do not want to be mere profit-machines: they want their lives to have deeper meaning. They are against old-fashioned religion and for spirituality, for non-confessional meditation (everybody knows that Buddhism foreshadows brain science, that the power of meditation can be measured scientifically). Their motto is social responsibility and gratitude: they are the first to admit that society has been incredibly good to them, allowing them to deploy their talents and amass wealth, so they feel that it is their duty to give something back to society and help people. This beneficence is what makes business success worthwhile.
This isn’t an entirely new phenomenon. Remember Andrew Carnegie, who employed a private army to suppress organised labour in his steelworks and then distributed large parts of his wealth for educational, cultural and humanitarian causes, proving that, although a man of steel, he had a heart of gold? In the same way, today’s liberal communists give away with one hand what they grabbed with the other.
There is a chocolate-flavoured laxative available on the shelves of US stores which is publicised with the paradoxical injunction: Do you have constipation? Eat more of this chocolate! – i.e. eat more of something that itself causes constipation. The structure of the chocolate laxative can be discerned throughout today’s ideological landscape; it is what makes a figure like Soros so objectionable. He stands for ruthless financial exploitation combined with its counter-agent, humanitarian worry about the catastrophic social consequences of the unbridled market economy. Soros’s daily routine is a lie embodied: half of his working time is devoted to financial speculation, the other half to ‘humanitarian’ activities (financing cultural and democratic activities in post-Communist countries, writing essays and books) which work against the effects of his own speculations. The two faces of Bill Gates are exactly like the two faces of Soros: on the one hand, a cruel businessman, destroying or buying out competitors, aiming at a virtual monopoly; on the other, the great philanthropist who makes a point of saying: ‘What does it serve to have computers if people do not have enough to eat?’
According to liberal communist ethics, the ruthless pursuit of profit is counteracted by charity: charity is part of the game, a humanitarian mask hiding the underlying economic exploitation. Developed countries are constantly ‘helping’ undeveloped ones (with aid, credits etc), and so avoiding the key issue: their complicity in and responsibility for the miserable situation of the Third World. As for the opposition between ‘smart’ and ‘non-smart’, outsourcing is the key notion. You export the (necessary) dark side of production – disciplined, hierarchical labour, ecological pollution – to ‘non-smart’ Third World locations (or invisible ones in the First World). The ultimate liberal communist dream is to export the entire working class to invisible Third World sweat shops.
We should have no illusions: liberal communists are the enemy of every true progressive struggle today. All other enemies – religious fundamentalists, terrorists, corrupt and inefficient state bureaucracies – depend on contingent local circumstances. Precisely because they want to resolve all these secondary malfunctions of the global system, liberal communists are the direct embodiment of what is wrong with the system. It may be necessary to enter into tactical alliances with liberal communists in order to fight racism, sexism and religious obscurantism, but it’s important to remember exactly what they are up to.
Etienne Balibar, in La Crainte des masses (1997), distinguishes the two opposite but complementary modes of excessive violence in today’s capitalism: the objective (structural) violence that is inherent in the social conditions of global capitalism (the automatic creation of excluded and dispensable individuals, from the homeless to the unemployed), and the subjective violence of newly emerging ethnic and/or religious (in short: racist) fundamentalisms. They may fight subjective violence, but liberal communists are the agents of the structural violence that creates the conditions for explosions of subjective violence. The same Soros who gives millions to fund education has ruined the lives of thousands thanks to his financial speculations and in doing so created the conditions for the rise of the intolerance he denounces.
Slavoj Zizek, a philosopher and a (Lacanian) psychoanalyst, is international director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at Birkbeck. The Parallax View, his latest attempt to rehabilitate dialectical materialism, comes out in April 2006.
Friday, April 14, 2006
現在有人忝不知恥地說: 只要爆料十件案子, 有一件是真的, 就是揭弊!
那麼他們敢不敢主張: 當刑案發生後, 把所有的涉嫌人全抓來嚴刑拷打,
並要他們自行舉證, 自己沒有犯罪, 若拒不承認, 乾脆全都判刑,
反正這些嫌疑人之中, 總有一個是真的!
問題是, 可以這樣嗎? 現在是公元2006年!
十件之中有九件是錯的, 很值得驕傲嗎?
這明明是個錯誤的邏輯, 這些公眾人物不會不懂! 卻要如此硬拗!
藉由強勢媒體, 硬是倒果為因, 指鹿為馬, 唯恐天下不亂…
媒體也是社會教育的一環, 在這種環境下
台灣的集體人權意識, 對現代司法運作的基本認識,
Li Wei
現在有人忝不知恥地說: 只要爆料十件案子, 有一件是真的, 就是揭弊!
那麼他們敢不敢主張: 當刑案發生後, 把所有的涉嫌人全抓來嚴刑拷打,
並要他們自行舉證, 自己沒有犯罪, 若拒不承認, 乾脆全都判刑,
反正這些嫌疑人之中, 總有一個是真的!
問題是, 可以這樣嗎? 現在是公元2006年!
十件之中有九件是錯的, 很值得驕傲嗎?
這明明是個錯誤的邏輯, 這些公眾人物不會不懂! 卻要如此硬拗!
藉由強勢媒體, 硬是倒果為因, 指鹿為馬, 唯恐天下不亂…
媒體也是社會教育的一環, 在這種環境下
台灣的集體人權意識, 對現代司法運作的基本認識,
Li Wei
商周出版社一本由由麥可.拉德列(Michael L.Radelet)、雨果、貝鐸(Hugo Adam Bedau)、康絲坦.普德曼(Constance E.Putnam)三位學者專家所撰寫書名為【雖然他們是無辜的】著作(In Spie of Innocence)全書一共十三篇章,介紹美國自一九○○年到一九九一年之間,因「司法疏忽」所製造的司法死刑誤判,讀來實在令人怵目驚心,惶懼不已。這些為數眾多的血淋淋的「司法誤殺」,吾人真不敢想像,竟然發生在號稱世界上最為民主先進、倡行法治及高倡人權至上的美國。
蘇友辰律師 中國人權協會
蘇友辰律師 中國人權協會
Thursday, April 13, 2006
如果我們容許這些媒體人, 議員, 檢察官
其他人就要像十六, 十七世紀的女巫一樣
被羅織以莫須有的罪名, 遭大肄搜捕, 凌虐...
各大學法律系所, 也不需講授法理學!
只要我相信你有罪, 你就一定有罪!
只要我認定你有罪, 不管有沒有證據,
我會透過媒體宣傳, 讓眾人相信你一定有罪!
這般恐怖的社會, 正在逐步建構之中!
Li Wei
如果我們容許這些媒體人, 議員, 檢察官
其他人就要像十六, 十七世紀的女巫一樣
被羅織以莫須有的罪名, 遭大肄搜捕, 凌虐...
各大學法律系所, 也不需講授法理學!
只要我相信你有罪, 你就一定有罪!
只要我認定你有罪, 不管有沒有證據,
我會透過媒體宣傳, 讓眾人相信你一定有罪!
這般恐怖的社會, 正在逐步建構之中!
Li Wei
這個研究所授予碩士學位,並且開放博士研究,在課表中,Dafydd Fell教授的台灣政治發展一門課裡,引用的要求閱讀幾乎都是台灣學者的作品。包括劉義周、林繼文、朱雲漢、林澤民等,事實上這些作品也都深刻的描繪台灣政治發展的特定主題,顯見Dafydd Fell對台灣研究的用心以及文獻掌握的準確程度。
這個研究所授予碩士學位,並且開放博士研究,在課表中,Dafydd Fell教授的台灣政治發展一門課裡,引用的要求閱讀幾乎都是台灣學者的作品。包括劉義周、林繼文、朱雲漢、林澤民等,事實上這些作品也都深刻的描繪台灣政治發展的特定主題,顯見Dafydd Fell對台灣研究的用心以及文獻掌握的準確程度。
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
當新聞內容真真假假, 我們又必須接受大量資訊
保持懷疑, 冷靜觀察, 待事件熱度過後再去回頭檢視,
Li Wei
這幾天國內紛擾不斷的「聯合國將於2008年全面廢用繁體中文」等相關報導,在今天終於證實又是一則假新聞。有趣的是,當初引起波瀾的報社又出來指責他人「烏龍」、「專責聯絡的官員不澄清」,完全沒有反省自己有沒有克盡查證的職責。其實行政院發言人鄭文燦在第一時間已經說明聯合國1971 年開始就採用簡體中文,卻沒有引起大記者、主編們的青睞而採用這個說法。難道報導只需要轉述,一旦轉述的資料來源有問題,就只要一推四五六,全部怪到別人身上就可脫身嗎?對於消息來源的查證也都需要政府來做嗎?這種不經查證的報導鬧了這麼多天,靠報導為生的新聞媒體要不要退出報壇?
3/23 中國的「北京晨報」引述中國應用語言學會會長陳章太的說法,「聯合國已決定自二○○八年以後,原在聯合國同時使用的中文繁體、簡體字,一律使用簡體字」。臺灣的中央社於是發了數則新聞稿,包括「聯合國:二00八後文件廢繁體中文」、 「中國學者:2008年起聯合國一律用簡體字」 。東森新聞報的大陸新聞中心也報導「聯合國文件廢繁體字?2008改用簡體為唯一標準」。 而當日,中廣新聞報導「鄭文燦:聯合國一九七一年已改用簡體字」,行政院發言人在第一時間已經說明自中國進入聯合國後,相關中文文件就都已經採用簡體中文。
3/24 本新聞大量被平面、電子媒體所報導,但皆引述中央社或北京晨報的新聞,並無進一步向聯合國查證。(事後得知,3/24政府已經向聯合國查證) 3/25(美國時間) 當時在舊金山訪問的中國國民黨主席馬英九「語氣堅定地表示,近日聽聞聯合國將會廢除中文繁體字,他個人非常反對,屆時一定會想盡辦法來阻止。」(2006.03.27中國時報/兩岸新聞/A13版)
4/3 比利時天主教荷語魯汶大學博士生高銘志投書自由時報之「自由廣場」 「聯合國廢正體中文? 待查」指出該消息的可信度有問題。但也未引起自由時報的進一步報導或其他新聞媒體的追蹤。
4/9 報導指出網友發起連署抗議「聯合國將於2008年停止使用繁體中文文件」,並指出臺灣地區民眾反應冷淡。
4/10 立委在立法院抨擊教育部長杜正勝沒有積極捍衛正體中文。
4/11 外交部發言人呂慶龍在例行記者會中說明,「在3月該報導傳出後,教育部(新聞)特地在3月24日行文外交部,希望能對該傳聞進行查証」,經外交部向聯合國官員求證的結果指出,「聯合國從1971年以來就使用簡體中文,並沒有同時禁用正體字,因此日前媒體報導聯合國將在2008年禁用繁體字的情形並並沒有根據,不是事實」。 _________________________________________
至此,4/11的聯合報又用六則新聞大篇幅地報導「聯國廢繁體字? 烏龍啦」 ,文中甚至抨擊「兩岸在紐約都派駐專責聯合國事務官員,對傳聞應知真偽,但始終不見澄清,徒令傳聞甚囂塵上,似有失職之嫌。」 在這個過程中,聯合報與中國時報都花了相當篇幅報導這條新聞。根據查詢中國時報的「知識贏家」資料庫,從3/24到4/11,該報共有15則相關的報導或文章,其中8則是在讀者投書或副刊中;聯合報的「聯合知識庫」則顯示該報共有13則,其中3則是在讀者投書或副刊。而自由時報則只有3/27的兩篇報導、4/3的一篇讀者投書以及4/11的兩篇澄清報導。 從這個過程來看,又是一個從不知名的店裡買來稻草人,自己打得很高興,白費力氣後,還怪別人怎麼不阻止自己亂打稻草人? 倒是值得觀察的是,創造這則「新聞」陳章太還有個身份是中國國家語言文字工作委員會語言文字應用研究所研究員、諮詢委員會委員(原副主任),這位半官方人士為什麼在聯合國早改用簡體字的35年後,忽然又提起這個早是事實的舊聞?只是為了個人的目的,還是另有蹊蹺?
保持懷疑, 冷靜觀察, 待事件熱度過後再去回頭檢視,
Li Wei
這幾天國內紛擾不斷的「聯合國將於2008年全面廢用繁體中文」等相關報導,在今天終於證實又是一則假新聞。有趣的是,當初引起波瀾的報社又出來指責他人「烏龍」、「專責聯絡的官員不澄清」,完全沒有反省自己有沒有克盡查證的職責。其實行政院發言人鄭文燦在第一時間已經說明聯合國1971 年開始就採用簡體中文,卻沒有引起大記者、主編們的青睞而採用這個說法。難道報導只需要轉述,一旦轉述的資料來源有問題,就只要一推四五六,全部怪到別人身上就可脫身嗎?對於消息來源的查證也都需要政府來做嗎?這種不經查證的報導鬧了這麼多天,靠報導為生的新聞媒體要不要退出報壇?
3/23 中國的「北京晨報」引述中國應用語言學會會長陳章太的說法,「聯合國已決定自二○○八年以後,原在聯合國同時使用的中文繁體、簡體字,一律使用簡體字」。臺灣的中央社於是發了數則新聞稿,包括「聯合國:二00八後文件廢繁體中文」、 「中國學者:2008年起聯合國一律用簡體字」 。東森新聞報的大陸新聞中心也報導「聯合國文件廢繁體字?2008改用簡體為唯一標準」。 而當日,中廣新聞報導「鄭文燦:聯合國一九七一年已改用簡體字」,行政院發言人在第一時間已經說明自中國進入聯合國後,相關中文文件就都已經採用簡體中文。
3/24 本新聞大量被平面、電子媒體所報導,但皆引述中央社或北京晨報的新聞,並無進一步向聯合國查證。(事後得知,3/24政府已經向聯合國查證) 3/25(美國時間) 當時在舊金山訪問的中國國民黨主席馬英九「語氣堅定地表示,近日聽聞聯合國將會廢除中文繁體字,他個人非常反對,屆時一定會想盡辦法來阻止。」(2006.03.27中國時報/兩岸新聞/A13版)
4/3 比利時天主教荷語魯汶大學博士生高銘志投書自由時報之「自由廣場」 「聯合國廢正體中文? 待查」指出該消息的可信度有問題。但也未引起自由時報的進一步報導或其他新聞媒體的追蹤。
4/9 報導指出網友發起連署抗議「聯合國將於2008年停止使用繁體中文文件」,並指出臺灣地區民眾反應冷淡。
4/10 立委在立法院抨擊教育部長杜正勝沒有積極捍衛正體中文。
4/11 外交部發言人呂慶龍在例行記者會中說明,「在3月該報導傳出後,教育部(新聞)特地在3月24日行文外交部,希望能對該傳聞進行查証」,經外交部向聯合國官員求證的結果指出,「聯合國從1971年以來就使用簡體中文,並沒有同時禁用正體字,因此日前媒體報導聯合國將在2008年禁用繁體字的情形並並沒有根據,不是事實」。 _________________________________________
至此,4/11的聯合報又用六則新聞大篇幅地報導「聯國廢繁體字? 烏龍啦」 ,文中甚至抨擊「兩岸在紐約都派駐專責聯合國事務官員,對傳聞應知真偽,但始終不見澄清,徒令傳聞甚囂塵上,似有失職之嫌。」 在這個過程中,聯合報與中國時報都花了相當篇幅報導這條新聞。根據查詢中國時報的「知識贏家」資料庫,從3/24到4/11,該報共有15則相關的報導或文章,其中8則是在讀者投書或副刊中;聯合報的「聯合知識庫」則顯示該報共有13則,其中3則是在讀者投書或副刊。而自由時報則只有3/27的兩篇報導、4/3的一篇讀者投書以及4/11的兩篇澄清報導。 從這個過程來看,又是一個從不知名的店裡買來稻草人,自己打得很高興,白費力氣後,還怪別人怎麼不阻止自己亂打稻草人? 倒是值得觀察的是,創造這則「新聞」陳章太還有個身份是中國國家語言文字工作委員會語言文字應用研究所研究員、諮詢委員會委員(原副主任),這位半官方人士為什麼在聯合國早改用簡體字的35年後,忽然又提起這個早是事實的舊聞?只是為了個人的目的,還是另有蹊蹺?
Friday, April 07, 2006
最近談論高風險家庭的節目很多, 節目中似乎想要透過討論找到簡單的原因, 有批評當事者抗壓性不足的, 有不滿社工處遇的積極度的, 有指責阿扁政府執政不力的, 也有責怪二個孩子的爸爸為何將債務丟給老媽置之不理的... 指責似乎都容易, 但如何解決的確是個難題, 現在內政部提出方法了, 還來不及施行, 國會又有意見了...
我認為, 這個現象不會有簡單的分析, 更不會有簡單的答案, 從鉅視的角度觀之, 現代消費社會的運作原理下, 商業如何透過各種行銷手段(包含置入性行銷), 創造出許多不必要的消費, 誘使民眾花錢消費?
大眾媒體對消費風氣有什麼助益的效果? (媒體的收益來自廣告商, 又如何真的能要求媒體改正奢華的風氣?) 鼓勵消費似乎是資本社會必要之惡! 前陣子不是才有學者為文指出: 當一個社會總體儲蓄率增加時, 反而不利整體經濟發展?
政府對於身心障礙兒童的保護, 輔導措施是否足夠? 社會大眾能否接受在社區裡, 設置相關教育/教養機構? (我讀大學時, 政府原本預計在台中縣大里市設置啟智學校, 後來遭社區居民反彈, 最後不了了之),
教育體系除了關注升學所需的智育發展之外, 有沒有認真思考過要加強生命教育, 兩性教育 (許多隔代教養的問題,不正是來自這些小爸爸, 小媽媽?)... 現在教育部要加強公民教育, 又有國會議員出來反對, 說什麼會增加孩子的負擔? (要維護民主政治的成熟度, 難道不需要教育孩子們, 如何理性地扮演公民的角色?)
最後, 社會福利體制是否成熟? 預算是否足夠? 社工人員晉用是否達專業標準 (縣市社工人員通過社會行政考試者, 未必都畢業於社工科系, 亦無足夠之專業訓練?)
從微視的角度觀之, 才是檢討當事人的道德問題, 抗壓性是否不足? 個人消費習慣...等問題!
其實, 這個社會會如此, 我們都是共犯結構中的一份子, 沒有人可以置身事外! 只是責任的多寡而已!
唇亡齒寒, 是不變的真理, 但整個社會還在消費這些災難! 運用這些事件來互相攻擊! 製造對立!這更是令人憂心!
5億搶救高風險家庭 每兒每月補助3千
聯合新聞網 記者黃國樑/台北報導 2006-04-03 15:03
我認為, 這個現象不會有簡單的分析, 更不會有簡單的答案, 從鉅視的角度觀之, 現代消費社會的運作原理下, 商業如何透過各種行銷手段(包含置入性行銷), 創造出許多不必要的消費, 誘使民眾花錢消費?
大眾媒體對消費風氣有什麼助益的效果? (媒體的收益來自廣告商, 又如何真的能要求媒體改正奢華的風氣?) 鼓勵消費似乎是資本社會必要之惡! 前陣子不是才有學者為文指出: 當一個社會總體儲蓄率增加時, 反而不利整體經濟發展?
政府對於身心障礙兒童的保護, 輔導措施是否足夠? 社會大眾能否接受在社區裡, 設置相關教育/教養機構? (我讀大學時, 政府原本預計在台中縣大里市設置啟智學校, 後來遭社區居民反彈, 最後不了了之),
教育體系除了關注升學所需的智育發展之外, 有沒有認真思考過要加強生命教育, 兩性教育 (許多隔代教養的問題,不正是來自這些小爸爸, 小媽媽?)... 現在教育部要加強公民教育, 又有國會議員出來反對, 說什麼會增加孩子的負擔? (要維護民主政治的成熟度, 難道不需要教育孩子們, 如何理性地扮演公民的角色?)
最後, 社會福利體制是否成熟? 預算是否足夠? 社工人員晉用是否達專業標準 (縣市社工人員通過社會行政考試者, 未必都畢業於社工科系, 亦無足夠之專業訓練?)
從微視的角度觀之, 才是檢討當事人的道德問題, 抗壓性是否不足? 個人消費習慣...等問題!
其實, 這個社會會如此, 我們都是共犯結構中的一份子, 沒有人可以置身事外! 只是責任的多寡而已!
唇亡齒寒, 是不變的真理, 但整個社會還在消費這些災難! 運用這些事件來互相攻擊! 製造對立!這更是令人憂心!
5億搶救高風險家庭 每兒每月補助3千
聯合新聞網 記者黃國樑/台北報導 2006-04-03 15:03
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
現在不管中輟生 以後付更多成本
中輟過來人》阿瑋:如無學園 我可能還在混
輔導中輟生8年有成 善牧學園要熄燈
來源 http://news.sina.com.tw/articles/13/68/39/13683939.html?/society/
來源 http://news.sina.com.tw/articles/13/68/39/13683939.html?/society/
昨天在新聞裡看到台北善牧學園, 為了經費不足的問題, 無法支應房租的開銷, 恐將要結束對中輟生的服務, 上網搜尋相關新聞, 卻又看到這則報導...
這是我所知道第二個社工遭集體解僱, 服務臨時叫停的故事了...
編輯室手記:一場無關228的反抗行動和弔念活動文/丘德真 (節錄)
出處: http://publish.pots.com.tw/Chinese/editorial/2006/03/05/399_2editorial/
這是我所知道第二個社工遭集體解僱, 服務臨時叫停的故事了...
編輯室手記:一場無關228的反抗行動和弔念活動文/丘德真 (節錄)
出處: http://publish.pots.com.tw/Chinese/editorial/2006/03/05/399_2editorial/
Saturday, April 01, 2006
(出處: 中央社)
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